Saturday, March 16, 2013

St. Patrick & A Baking Incident

I had the honor of leading Global Cafe tonight. We celebrated St. Patrick's Day with green cookies and Jeopardy. It was very fun.

In spent most of the day preparing for the evening. I found a Jeopardy template for PowerPoint and did the research. Earlier in the week I had decided to use the Veggie Tales rendition of the story of St. Patrick, which is both cute and gets the point across nicely. I recommend it ( Oval it went well, and it was fun to learn about a man living the message of reconciliation by taking the message of salvation back to a land and people who had enslaved him for much of his life.

I made Grammy's sugar cookies earlier in the day. I kept feeling like I did something wrong and so when the cookies came out of the oven I tasted one. It was not pleasant and I immediately knew what was wrong. The answer is in the name of the cookies-- sugar. I totally had forgotten it.

I think I realized a new low in my baking!