Monday, January 27, 2014

Too Fat

Ah culture differences. Gotta love them:-)!

I wrote most of this post the week we arrived in Botswana but never finished it. I finally decided to finish and post it now. Note: this was before I was showing my pregnancy at all.

It was great to arrive in Botswana on Tuesday. Kagi's mom and brothers and uncle were all waiting for us at the airport, along with another lady (we'll call her Auntie) who I met on my last trip here. We were greeted with hugs and smiles, and ushered out to the waiting cars.

Arriving at the car, Auntie grabbed my hand and said with enthusiasm, "You're too fat!" Not knowing what she meant, I smiled -- it must be an English mis-speak. I don't think I'm too fat, and certainly am much trimmer than she is. Sensing my confusion, she repeated her statement enthusiastically, "You're too fat!"

Kagi saw the exchange and laughed. "She's complimenting you, Laura!"

"I... I know, thank you," I stammered.

Apparently I gained a few pounds during my first year of marriage, and this lady was genuinely happy for me. Honestly, it was sweet and funny, and I wasn't offended. Maybe at another point in my life I would have been, but not this time.

The other factor is that the word too is used differently. It's used instead of very or more. People often talk about your house being "too big," meaning it's nice and spacious. They don't mean it's ostentatious.

I love the way this points out cultural differences. My Canadian friend has shared similar stories. It's funny to compare our often less than gracious reactions. Genuinely, comments like this are meant as compliments. I plan to take them as such.